The Stories

Story #1 On March 1st 2009 Scott and Alison Hamilton began the work, a church plant in Glasgow, Scotland. Harvest Glasgow launched in August of that year with a team that had grown to 16 and were praying for God to do something beyond their capacity and comprehension. Even then we asked that the Lord would allow us to be a church planting church. We longed to be the loaves and fish in the master’s hands and a monument of mercy by which the Lord would make much of His name.

Story #2
In September 2015 Lee and Zoe Ballantine stepped through the doors of Harvest Glasgow for the first time. 6 years of growing, serving and training later they are ready to step out of Harvest Glasgow for a new chapter in their and Harvest Glasgow’s life. So it is that in September 2021, after 11 years of praying, Harvest Glasgow will be a church planting church. The Ballantines will be our first church planting family. They go to the town of Ayr along with at least three families who are part of the Harvest Glasgow church family. The Lord has proven Himself so faithful to Harvest Glasgow and we are excited to see what He will do in the coming years as He uses Harvest Ayr to transform eternities for His glory.

Story #3
In January 2019 God gave Harvest Glasgow a building. It was a miracle building. We were told it was out of our reach, we offered below the asking price, our bid was significantly less than the highest offer and yet God opened the door for us to have a physical home from which to grow as a spiritual building. We prayed on the day we were given the keys that God would make the building a place from which churches would be planted and people and nations would be impacted for His glory.

Story #4
…. is still to be written. We find ourselves asking what the Lord would do next in the lives of our churches. What does He have for Harvest Glasgow and Harvest Ayr (our Rooted Churches) that will cause us to be more gripped by, growing in and grateful for the Gospel of Jesus Christ? We are praying for an increased capacity for planting churches, for training and sending planters and leaders, and not just in Scotland but into Western Europe. More, we are inviting you to be part of what God would do to write a story of His goodness, grace and glory in post-Christian, secular and lost Western Europe. More still, how might the story he is writing in the life of your church include the story he would write here in Scotland.

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